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It is located in Northeastern Mexico. It is bordered by the states of Veracruz to the southeast, San Luis Potosí to the southwest and Nuevo León to the west. To the north, it has a 370 km (142.9 mi) stretch of the U.S.–Mexico border along the state of Texas


Year of Statehood: 1824​

Capital: Victoria (278,773)
Size/Area: 30,650 square miles

Major Cities:

1. Reynosa (540,207)

2. Matamoros

3. Nuevo Laredo

4. Tampico, Madero and Altamira (Metropolitan area)  
Population: 3,024,238 


Facts & Figures

Our Typical 


"Cuera Tamaulipeca"

This costume born in Tula, Tamaulipas many years ago in response  the weather of the zone. now a days in Tamaulipas people only wears the "cuera" to enjoy folk dances of the different state regions as polka, picotas and huapango.

The name Tamaulipas is derived from Tamaholipa, a Huastec term in which the tam- prefix signifies "place where"; and -holipa "high hills"  Place of hills but We know another explanation of the name

"Place where the Lipan Prey" 

The area known as Tamaulipas has been inhabited for at least 8,000 years. Several different cultures (north coastal, south coastal, lowlands, and mountains) have come and gone during that period.

Written story begins for the state of Tamaulipas as Americo Vespucio, in one of the letters he sent to Lorenzo de Me Medici, referred to this territory as the lands of Lariab, native word meaning lord or lords, which probably implies that it was how the local inhabitants, known as the Hustecas, called the newly arrived visitors, which in turn believed the term was referring to the land.



Tamaulipas was originally populated by the Olmec people and later by Chichimec and Huastec tribes.

Between 1445 and 1466, Mexica (or Aztec) armies commanded by Moctezuma I Ilhuicamina conquered much of the territory and transformed it into a tributary region for the Mexica empire. However, the Aztecs never fully conquered certain mostly nomadic indigenous groups in the area.

​Northern Tamaulipas: shares its economic culture with that of Texas, and is primarily characterized by agriculture and strong growth in all industrial sectors. This region is home to many of the maquiladoras, factories owned by foreign companies but worked by Mexicans, primarily by women.

Southern Tamaulipas: is based primarily on the petrochemical industries; also of importance are the tourism and fishing industries, as well as much commercial shipping, based in Tampico and Altamira.



In Tamaulipas you will find the ideal place to health tourism. The doctors and hospitals from the state’s bordering region are prepared to look after patients from the region, as well as those who come from the United States looking to solve their health problems with advanced procedures, of quality and at an accessible cost.

It counts with specialists, hospitals and clinics with up to date equipment and qualified personal as much as in medical services as in patient attention.

Our Economy 

Health care system


We have many different type of food in the state, according the cultural zones in our state. But the symbolic of Tamaulipas are...

• Carne a la Tampiqueña
• Tamales
• Sea food (Blue crabs in Tampico)


Music and Folklor

We have 3 differents type of music in our state

•Northern: Polkas


• Center: Picota 


•Southern: Huapango






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